... refer a case to our legal network and find other interested
lawyers for FREE.
For a limited time, you can post a case you wish to refer to another
attorney on our boards for FREE.
You will connect with other lawyers
interested in handling your case, and can work out all details between
yourselves at that point. There is no charge at this time.
Please note - only attorneys
in good standing with their State Bar will be allowed to use the
case referral board. You must provide us with all verifying information,
including your Bar Number, upon registration.
Upon verification
satisfactory to us, we may authorize your use. Approval for use
of the case referral board shall be within's sole discretion,
and may be terminated at any time, without notice and for any reason.
our Attorney Network Forum
(You may also register using any
Yahoo ID by clicking on "Join
This Group.")
Please remember to provide your real name and State Bar
Number in the "Comment" box, which will come up
at the time of registration. Without this, we cannot process
your membership request. The information will only be used
for validation.)